Huge increase in online sales
With the growth of online sales over the past year, 67% more online purchases were made in 2020! This is a great development for many well-known and established stores because it is an additional avenue to reach both current and new customers. In addition to the established names, many new “smaller” companies have also seen their rise to fame in the past year and for them and others, the entire sales process including delivery to the end user must be carefully considered!
Packaging and shipments
With the growth of the online sales channel, the number of parcels sent has also increased considerably. This requires some additional preparation from companies and selecting the correct shipping method is often one of the most important keys to success. The moment when someone finally receives his or her product must leave a positive and lasting impression! To get a good idea of the different options available, Bestbuyenvelopes offers a wide range of
filling materials and
other packaging options that are the perfect starting point for any company.
Safety first
When choosing the perfect packaging solution for your company, everything must be taken into account. Packaging must be easy to use, look good and most importantly, ensure that the products arrive safely at the customer. Everyone received a package at some point in their life where the products or content had been damaged during transport. This leaves a bad aftertaste and the customer may not make a repeat purchase anytime soon. So it is something that must be avoided at all costs!
The solution? Filling material!
To prevent products from being damaged, it is therefore important to choose the right
filling material for transport. In addition to protecting the content, this can also be a nice addition to the total customer experience. Take for example,
SizzlePak's padded filling material, which is available in many different colours. It can perfectly match a company's branding and add just that little bit extra to the customers experience. One thing is for sure, this will make your marketing department very happy!